About me

Hey. I am Muri.

I was born in 1988 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. My family is from Kayseri, Türkiye.

I have been freelancing as a web developer / designer since 2013. I have worked in some of the biggest German companies, such as: Deutsche Bahn, mobile.de or ImmobilienScout. You can find out more about my skills on my CV page.

In 2023, I did a world trip for 6 months. It is where I decided to add photography to my portfolio. Many of the photos you'll find here are from that world trip. I realized that holding a camera in my hand is when I feel most alive. It is a part of my body for me.

The photo of me on this page depicts me selling my photos for the first time ever – on the Coyoacán art market in Mexico City.

Things I am proud of:

  • Speaking 4 languages
  • Conversational Spanish in 6 months
  • Working as a guest professor at my former art school
  • World trip in 2023
  • Having worked at Deutsche Bahn
  • Playing a Turkish Guitar (Cura)
  • A path I can call my own